10 ways to improve trading strategy Chapter 01 Exness ~ USD

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Minggu, 27 Agustus 2017


10 ways to improve trading strategy Chapter 01 Exness

Forex tips 

Chapter 01 Remove tools that you don’t use

Proudly sponsor the world's number one football team, Real Madrid, and the best football player alive, Cristiano Ronaldo

Remove tools that you don’t use How many indicators do you follow? Moving averages, MACD, Stochastic, RSI, and a couple of others? We would recommend to first clean your workspace and make it as simple as possible. Some traders only start to develop after removing all indicators, leaving the naked price chart alone. The more indicators you have, the more “signals” for buy/sell you receive. For instance, a moving average tells you to buy, but at the same time, the RSI alerts you about an “overbought” market condition. Having too many indicators can lead to an overwhelming amount of conflicting information, thus confusing you. Cognitive dissonance is a serious obstacle to successful decision-making! In trading, there will always be cognitive dissonance. Bullish and bearish trading signals coexist every single moment and you never know exactly which signal to follow. With this in mind, it is best for you to simplify your decision-making process. The easiest way to go about it is to identify and recognize the function of each tool, and why you choose to include it in your workspace. Every tool (indicator, chart) helps to: Identify a trend Measure the volatility and tempo of price action Measure average deviation from the mean Find an exact entry point If you are a trend-following position trader, active trends and decent entry points are important to you while the rate of intraday change in prices may drop out of your list of priorities. Your tools in this case may be reduced to two moving averages (fast and slow) for the identification of the trend direction and the candlestick formation for entry. If you are a momentum trader, you may not need to know where the trend is headed—your money is earned when the market breaks out from narrow consolidation areas. In this case, you need to know the current level of volatility—in case it drops to new lows, you can expect the market to break soon. Your tools in this case are the price chart (for identifying consolidation) and Average True Range indicator (for measuring volatility). Candlestick formations are not necessary in this case because the market breaks quickly without showing any candlestick patterns on the way. If you are trading in a range-bound market, you need to know possible trade locations for reversal. For this, you need the Envelopes or Bollinger Bands. Once the price comes to the lower or upper band of the indicator, you can monitor for specific candlestick reversal patterns. Please note that the above scenarios are just examples. You may use different tools for your trade; the key here is to know why you use certain tools and what you want to achieve. Knowing the answers to these questions can simplify your trading.

Key Takeaway

Get rid of tools that you don’t use. Create a list of all your current analytical tools and try to state the purpose of each in two to three sentences. Doing so helps you realize which tools are important in your decision-making process and helps in reducing cognitive dissonance.


Proudly sponsor the world's number one football team, Real Madrid, and the best football player alive, Cristiano Ronaldo


In order to protect invested funds, when selecting a company for a long-term partnership a professional trader should consider not only the company's trading conditions but also, most importantly, make sure that the company's operations comply with the relevant country's legal requirements and with internationally recognized financial standards.



Licensed by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC)

Exness (Cy) Ltd is authorized and regulated by the CySEC with license number 178/12 to offer Contracts For Difference (CFDs) in various underlying products. Exness (Cy) Ltd operates the website of www.exness.eu.
The CySEC is the supervisory and regulatory authority for investment services firms in Cyprus. CySEC is a member of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).
Exness (Cy) Ltd complies with the Cyprus Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007 Law 144 (I)/2007, the transposition of the European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) in Cyprus.
Exness (Cy) Ltd is a member of the Investor Compensation Fund, which serves to protect and secure the claims of covered clients and provide them with compensation in instances where the member of the Fund cannot meet its financial obligations.

EEA Registrations of Exness (Cy) Ltd

BaFin – Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, Germany.

BaFin, the agency for central oversight of financial services in Germany, is part of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. BaFin's legal status and function are defined in the "Law on Federal Administration of Financial Oversight", the "Law of the Federal Republic of Germany on Banking Activities", and other special laws. When performing oversight of banks and investment companies BaFin works closely with the German Federal Bank.

AFM – Netherlands Authority For the Financial Markets, Netherlands

AFM was founded in 2002 and is the successor of the Securities Board of the Netherlands. Today this regulatory body monitors the majority of the country's entire financial market. AFM is subordinate to the Ministry of Finances, but it performs independent oversight.

CNMV – Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, Spain

CNMV is an agency of the government's executive branch. It is responsible for regulating Spain's financial market. It is an independent organization, subordinate to Spain's Ministry of Economics and Finance. In 1998-2002 CNMV's authority and responsibilities were reviewed in accordance with the legal requirements of the European Union. This made possible the next step toward development of the financial markets, including measures to protect investors.

CONSOB – Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa, Italy

CONSOB is a government agency responsible for regulating Italy's securities market, including the Borsa Italiana exchange. CONSOB was founded in 1974, assuming some of the functions of the Ministry of Finance. Initially, its task was essentially to oversee the securities market. The agency's authority and responsibilities have grown considerably with time.

FI – Finansinspektionen, Sweden

Finansinspektionen is an agency under Swedish Government. It is responsible for financial regulation. The scope of its control consists of oversight, regulation, and conflict resolution in the financial market. The agency is subordinate to the Swedish Ministry of Finances. It was founded in 1991 to serve as the sole regulatory body in banking, the securities market, and insurance.

KNF – Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego, Poland

Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego is a government agency responsible for financial market oversight in Poland. It was created in 2006. Before 2008 the commission provided oversight of insurance companies, pension funds, the capital market, and financial conglomerates. Since January 1, 2008, the Commission has assumed responsibility for banking oversight and oversight of institutions performing electronic money operations.


Forex tips 
dan trik

BAB 01 Hapus alat yang tidak Anda gunakan

Proudly sponsor the world's number one football team, Real Madrid, and the best football player alive, Cristiano Ronaldo

Hapus alat yang tidak Anda gunakan Berapa banyak indikator yang Anda ikuti? Moving averages, MACD, Stochastic, RSI, dan beberapa lainnya? Kami akan merekomendasikan untuk pertama membersihkan ruang kerja Anda dan membuatnya sesederhana mungkin. Beberapa trader hanya mulai berkembang setelah mengeluarkan semua indikator, meninggalkan grafik harga telanjang saja. Semakin banyak indikator yang Anda miliki, semakin banyak "sinyal" untuk membeli / menjual yang Anda terima. Misalnya, rata-rata bergerak memberi tahu Anda untuk membeli, namun pada saat bersamaan, RSI memberi tahu Anda tentang kondisi pasar "overbought". Memiliki terlalu banyak indikator dapat menyebabkan sejumlah besar informasi yang saling bertentangan, sehingga membingungkan Anda. Disonansi kognitif merupakan hambatan serius bagi pengambilan keputusan yang berhasil! Dalam perdagangan, akan selalu ada disonansi kognitif. Sinyal perdagangan bullish dan bearish saling berdampingan setiap saat dan Anda tidak pernah tahu persis sinyal mana yang harus diikuti. Dengan pemikiran ini, sebaiknya Anda menyederhanakan proses pengambilan keputusan Anda. Cara termudah untuk melakukannya adalah mengidentifikasi dan mengenali fungsi masing-masing alat, dan mengapa Anda memilih untuk memasukkannya ke dalam ruang kerja Anda. Setiap alat (indikator, bagan) membantu: Mengidentifikasi tren Mengukur volatilitas dan tempo tindakan harga Mengukur deviasi rata-rata dari rata-rata Menemukan titik masuk yang tepat Jika Anda adalah trader posisi tren berikut, tren aktif dan titik masuk yang layak penting Bagi Anda sementara tingkat perubahan harga intraday mungkin turun dari daftar prioritas Anda. Alat Anda dalam hal ini dapat dikurangi menjadi dua rata-rata bergerak (cepat dan lambat) untuk identifikasi arah tren dan pembentukan kandil untuk masuk. Jika Anda adalah trader momentum, Anda mungkin tidak perlu tahu kemana arah tren itu - uang Anda diperoleh saat pasar keluar dari area konsolidasi yang sempit. Dalam kasus ini, Anda perlu mengetahui tingkat volatilitas saat ini-jika jatuh ke posisi terendah baru, Anda bisa memperkirakan pasar akan segera turun. Alat Anda dalam hal ini adalah grafik harga (untuk mengidentifikasi konsolidasi) dan indikator Rata-Rata True Range (untuk mengukur volatilitas). Formasi candlestick tidak diperlukan dalam kasus ini karena pasar pecah dengan cepat tanpa menunjukkan pola candlestick di jalan. Jika Anda melakukan trading di pasar dengan range bound, Anda perlu mengetahui kemungkinan lokasi perdagangan untuk pembalikan. Untuk ini, Anda memerlukan Amplop atau Bollinger Bands. Begitu harga datang ke pita indikator bawah atau atas, Anda dapat memantau pola pembalikan candlestick yang spesifik. Harap dicatat bahwa skenario di atas hanyalah contoh. Anda dapat menggunakan alat yang berbeda untuk perdagangan Anda; Kuncinya di sini adalah untuk mengetahui mengapa Anda menggunakan alat tertentu dan apa yang ingin Anda capai. Mengetahui jawaban atas pertanyaan ini bisa mempermudah trading Anda.


Singkirkan alat yang tidak Anda gunakan. Buat daftar semua alat analisis Anda saat ini dan cobalah untuk menyatakan tujuan masing-masing dalam dua atau tiga kalimat. Dengan melakukannya, Anda akan menyadari alat mana yang penting dalam proses pengambilan keputusan dan membantu mengurangi disonansi kognitif.


Proudly sponsor the world's number one football team, Real Madrid, and the best football player alive, Cristiano Ronaldo


In order to protect invested funds, when selecting a company for a long-term partnership a professional trader should consider not only the company's trading conditions but also, most importantly, make sure that the company's operations comply with the relevant country's legal requirements and with internationally recognized financial standards.



Licensed by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC)

Exness (Cy) Ltd is authorized and regulated by the CySEC with license number 178/12 to offer Contracts For Difference (CFDs) in various underlying products. Exness (Cy) Ltd operates the website of www.exness.eu.
The CySEC is the supervisory and regulatory authority for investment services firms in Cyprus. CySEC is a member of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA).
Exness (Cy) Ltd complies with the Cyprus Investment Services and Activities and Regulated Markets Law of 2007 Law 144 (I)/2007, the transposition of the European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) in Cyprus.
Exness (Cy) Ltd is a member of the Investor Compensation Fund, which serves to protect and secure the claims of covered clients and provide them with compensation in instances where the member of the Fund cannot meet its financial obligations.

EEA Registrations of Exness (Cy) Ltd

BaFin – Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht, Germany.

BaFin, the agency for central oversight of financial services in Germany, is part of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany. BaFin's legal status and function are defined in the "Law on Federal Administration of Financial Oversight", the "Law of the Federal Republic of Germany on Banking Activities", and other special laws. When performing oversight of banks and investment companies BaFin works closely with the German Federal Bank.

AFM – Netherlands Authority For the Financial Markets, Netherlands

AFM was founded in 2002 and is the successor of the Securities Board of the Netherlands. Today this regulatory body monitors the majority of the country's entire financial market. AFM is subordinate to the Ministry of Finances, but it performs independent oversight.

CNMV – Comisión Nacional del Mercado de Valores, Spain

CNMV is an agency of the government's executive branch. It is responsible for regulating Spain's financial market. It is an independent organization, subordinate to Spain's Ministry of Economics and Finance. In 1998-2002 CNMV's authority and responsibilities were reviewed in accordance with the legal requirements of the European Union. This made possible the next step toward development of the financial markets, including measures to protect investors.

CONSOB – Commissione Nazionale per le Società e la Borsa, Italy

CONSOB is a government agency responsible for regulating Italy's securities market, including the Borsa Italiana exchange. CONSOB was founded in 1974, assuming some of the functions of the Ministry of Finance. Initially, its task was essentially to oversee the securities market. The agency's authority and responsibilities have grown considerably with time.

FI – Finansinspektionen, Sweden

Finansinspektionen is an agency under Swedish Government. It is responsible for financial regulation. The scope of its control consists of oversight, regulation, and conflict resolution in the financial market. The agency is subordinate to the Swedish Ministry of Finances. It was founded in 1991 to serve as the sole regulatory body in banking, the securities market, and insurance.

KNF – Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego, Poland

Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego is a government agency responsible for financial market oversight in Poland. It was created in 2006. Before 2008 the commission provided oversight of insurance companies, pension funds, the capital market, and financial conglomerates. Since January 1, 2008, the Commission has assumed responsibility for banking oversight and oversight of institutions performing electronic money operations.

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