Metatrader is one of online trading tool which shows live rate of the currency. Metatrader is availabe for smartphone and windows PC. We may find at playstore with names Metatrader4 and Metatrader5. Download at for PC version.
GBPUSD mean currency rate for 1 GBP (Great Britain Pound) convert to USD (US Dollar)
AUDNZD mean currency rate for 1 AUD (Australian Dollar) convert to 1 NZD (New Zealand Dollar)
USDJPY mean currency rate for 1 USD (US Dollar) convert to 1 JPY (Japanese Yen)
Spread mean difference between Bid and Ask.
Spread more tigther on trading day as opportunity for trader to gain profit eventhough with small movement of the live rate. This opportunity called foreign exchange / FORex.
GBPUSD mean currency rate for 1 GBP (Great Britain Pound) convert to USD (US Dollar)
AUDNZD mean currency rate for 1 AUD (Australian Dollar) convert to 1 NZD (New Zealand Dollar)
USDJPY mean currency rate for 1 USD (US Dollar) convert to 1 JPY (Japanese Yen)
Spread mean difference between Bid and Ask.
Spread more tigther on trading day as opportunity for trader to gain profit eventhough with small movement of the live rate. This opportunity called foreign exchange / FORex.
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